Whats new Features in Davinci Resolve 18 ?

Whats new Features in Davinci Resolve 18 ?

It is an extremely exciting day because we just got Davinci to resolve 18 betas it is available to the public so anybody can go online and download it I just googled resolve18 and you will get two different options you can download the free version or you can always download the paid version which is called the studio version okay

Now there's a lot of exciting stuff here I'm just gonna breeze through that and then I'm gonna tell you my favorite top three features from resolve 18. so we're getting the Blackmagic cloud we're getting the Blackmagic proxy generator which is amazing you can create a watch folder and it will automatically throw files there and you can even extract them onto a hard drive and use it if you're on the go there is simplified proxy workflow where

You can just literally hit the button and choose you know flick the switch if you will like if you want to work with proxies or camera original shared project libraries if you are sharing the project outside of you know your home your network with um your colorist visual effects artist whatever have you with your client you can do remote monitoring streaming which is amazing right so like you can just not lossless but still like low latency

Much better results than like saying you know doing a zoom call or something like that and you can uh project the image onto your clients monitor uh they could be somewhere um other than where you are and then like take them through your project what's going on and you know uh do the feedback whatever you're doing um object mask um is getting to the next level there's this really exciting thing depth map that they're using which basically

Creates a very subtle key so you can like isolate different parts of the uh of the image depending on the depth of your image all right warp surfaces for your graphics on a t-shirt or something like that that could be warped and if you want to replace the graphic or throw a mosaic and just kind of blur it out there are cool tools to do that um updated um you know resolve effects for

Beauty so they're calling it ultra beauty so there's a lot of cool stuff um you can go through and just like look at it for yourself and just read through it but the three things that I feel like or the ultimate game-changer are here okay because this is what happens right anytime a new tool comes out the all the new features are cool and we use them for two minutes and then

We just go back to the old ways because they just work right so like why change something if it ain't broke for me, the three tools that I feel like stand out number one is going to be black magic cloud okay this is the ultimate game-changer like to this day I have you know my color assistant that can just do um

Shot matches everything for me I come up with the look and then I'm gonna have my color assistant somewhere else like you know take over the project right now it's really hard because the majority of my colorists that I work with are overseas and the internet might not be the best so I have to upload everything on dropbox they have to download it the camera original and then you know do all the things that they have to do with

The Blackmagic cloud that process becomes very seamless and when I take you guys through it it's going to be an ultimate game changer okay so personally for me I feel like this one is massive the second one is right here intelligent media management so the dumb way of the past where you have to tell it the exact path the exact file or else is going to freak out and resolve was pretty bad about it when it comes to like you know linking up media

And that is just the ultimate nightmare when you're doing a round trip okay and when you're doing a project handoff it's just always been an issue with this intelligent media management and what they're promising that is the ultimate game-changer for it to just be smart enough to like link things up without you filling in the blanks is a massive one for me and then the third one which is a general one that I'm gonna say is

An improved neural engine okay so the neural engine right here is getting smarter um by every update that they do and this is extremely exciting because the kind of stuff that they're showing you that this thing is capable of is just next level right like for the magic mask or you know your paint tool infusion to work like that is something that we're used to in after effects but it wasn't necessarily possible

In the resolved world right and then even when you see the object mask and this time they've added cars and they've added so many other objects animals and pretty much anything under the sun that is a huge improvement this is the ultimate game-changer and then they're also promising that you know the processing of it of this tool is gonna be a lot faster so I'm gonna be the first one to say

It was sort of like uh a deal killer for me how slow this tool was even on my 22 000 machines so I just didn't use it like it was so slow that I'm like okay this just pulls me out of my element when I'm grading whatever I'm just gonna you know to stick with the older tools like power windows feathering and all that good stuff but what they're promising and if it's true which I believe that it is because that's just the name of the game right

Like this neural engine the ai of color grading which is the next-gen of color grading is coming in hot and resolve is in the forefront and the kind of stuff that they're experimenting with makes me very happy even with this automatic depth map that is very exciting with the kind of stuff that's happening now they're saying with object mask you can even do sky replacement and it is very intelligent like when you when the sky

It replaced how it's going to behave so things that were rocket science back in the day are now becoming like just one click and then let resolve do the rest for you so these are the three features that I'm extremely excited about but I will be doing tons of videos on other features I'm going to be breaking them down individually if you have any specific tools that you saw in resolve



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